55 21 2522-4810
55 21 99988-1616


Amazon Yacht Tour
Amazon Yacht Tour

Truly Extraordinary Cruises (1) Expeditions, True We explore deep into a UNESCO World Heritage site – the only boat! Our guests have experiences that few people ever will… in their entire lives. (2) Our Guides: Our guides are skilled naturalists who have been with us for many years observing the bizarre and beautiful creatures of […]

Tour Rio 1 — Corcovado and Beaches: Duration 4 Hours
Tour Rio 1 — Corcovado and Beaches: Duration 4 Hours

Depar­ture: any time (09:00 sug­gested time) Hotel pick up in pri­vate car CORCOVADO AND BEACHES Cor­co­v­ado – The first offi­cial expe­di­tion to the Cor­co­v­ado Moun­tain was headed by Dom Pedro I, heir to the Brazil­ian throne at the time. The Art-Deco statue sit­u­ated at the top of the 710 meters high moun­tain was inau­gu­rated in […]

Tour Rio 2 — Sugar Loaf Duration : 4 Hours
Tour Rio 2 — Sugar Loaf Duration : 4 Hours

Sugar Loaf Sugar Loaf — The name “Pão de Açú­car” was given by the Por­tuguese because in the ancient sugar mills after the sugar cane was squeezed, the liq­uid was put to drip into a cone-shaped mold that formed the cakes of sugar shipped to Europe. Italian-made Cable cars car­ry­ing up to 25 peo­ple, intro­duced […]

Tour Rio 3 — Corcovado, Maracanã, Sambódromo, Sugar Loaf and Beaches of the Southern District of Rio. Duration: 8 hours
Tour Rio 3 — Corcovado, Maracanã, Sambódromo, Sugar Loaf and Beaches of the Southern District of Rio. Duration: 8 hours

Cor­co­v­ado and Beaches Cor­co­v­ado – The first offi­cial expe­di­tion to the Cor­co­v­ado Moun­tain was headed by Dom Pedro I, heir to the Brazil­ian throne at the time. The Art-Deco statue sit­u­ated at the top of the 710 meters high moun­tain was inau­gu­rated in Octo­ber 12, 1931 by then-President Getúlio Vargas. The “Cristo Reden­tor” Statue is […]

Tour Rio 4 — Naïve Art Museum, Apothecary’s Square, Corcovado, Church Of Our Lady of Glory on the Knoll, São Bento Monastery. Duration: 8 hours
Tour Rio 4 — Naïve Art Museum, Apothecary’s Square, Corcovado, Church Of Our Lady of Glory on the Knoll, São Bento Monastery. Duration: 8 hours

Museu de Art Naïve (need con­fir­ma­tion if open) Museu de Art Naïve — Naif Art Inter­na­tional Museum — MIAN — Inter­na­tional Prim­i­tive Art Museum Rio is a colo­nial man­sion with the world’s largest and most com­plete col­lec­tion of prim­i­tive art. Just fifty meters from the mini-train sta­tion lead­ing to Christ the Redeemer in the Cosme […]

Tour Rio 5 — Western beaches, Barra da Tijuca, Casa do Pontal Folk Art Museum, Legep and H. Stern Museum. Duration: 8 hours
Tour Rio 5 — Western beaches, Barra da Tijuca, Casa do Pontal Folk Art Museum, Legep and H. Stern Museum. Duration: 8 hours

Depar­ture: Hotel, mornings Tues –Fri A ride along the beaches of Ipanema, Leblon, São Con­rado, Barra da Tijuca and Recreio dos Ban­deirantes takes us to: MUSEU CASA DO PONTAL The largest folk art museum in Brazil is located on a quiet estate in Recreio dos Ban­deirantes, set between Prainha beach and the Serra do Mar […]

Tour Rio 6 — Historic Rio Duration: 4 hours
Tour Rio 6 — Historic Rio Duration: 4 hours

Hotel Pick Up in Pri­vate Car Depar­ture: 9 am PAÇO IMPERIAL Paço Impe­r­ial is a rare exam­ple of a His­toric Mon­u­ment that was on the cen­tre stage of Brazil’s Colo­nial, Royal and Impe­r­ial history. Governor’s Res­i­dence — The Building’s his­tory starts in 1733 when then-Governor of the Province of Rio de Janeiro Gomes Freire de […]

Tour Rio 7 — Historic Rio Duration: 7 hours
Tour Rio 7 — Historic Rio Duration: 7 hours

Depar­ture: Hotel PAÇO IMPERIAL Paço Impe­r­ial is a rare exam­ple of a His­toric Mon­u­ment that was on the cen­tre stage of Brazil’s Colo­nial, Royal and Impe­r­ial history. Governor’s Res­i­dence — The Building’s his­tory starts in 1733 when then-Governor of the Province of Rio de Janeiro Gomes Freire de Andrade asked king D. João V per­mis­sion […]

Tour Rio 8 – Burle Marx and Jardim Botânico Duration: 8 hours
Tour Rio 8 – Burle Marx and Jardim Botânico Duration: 8 hours

Depar­ture: 08:00am – This tour requires a 48hs pre-booking and is sub­ject to availability. BURLE MAX 09:00 (2 hours) — Burle Max — Burle Marx, one of the most impor­tant land­scape artists of mod­ern times, bought the Santo Anto­nio da Bica State in Barra de Guarat­iba in 1949 to store his plant col­lec­tion. The state […]

Tour Rio 9 — Tijuca Forest and Corcovado Duration: 8 hours
Tour Rio 9 — Tijuca Forest and Corcovado Duration: 8 hours

Depar­ture: 9 am CORCOVADO Cor­co­v­ado — The first offi­cial expe­di­tion to the Cor­co­v­ado Moun­tain was headed by Dom Pedro I, heir to the Brazil­ian throne at the time. The Art-Deco statue sit­u­ated at the top of the 710 meters high moun­tain was inau­gu­rated in Octo­ber 12, 1931 by then-President Getúlio Vargas. The “Cristo Reden­tor” Statue […]