55 21 2522-4810
55 21 99988-1616

Tour Rio 5 — Western beaches, Barra da Tijuca, Casa do Pontal Folk Art Museum, Legep and H. Stern Museum. Duration: 8 hours

Depar­ture: Hotel, mornings

Tues –Fri

A ride along the beaches of Ipanema, Leblon, São Con­rado, Barra da Tijuca and Recreio dos Ban­deirantes takes us to:


The largest folk art museum in Brazil is located on a quiet estate in Recreio dos Ban­deirantes, set between Prainha beach and the Serra do Mar coastal range. The gar­dens cover an area of 9,000m2 and were espe­cially designed to per­fectly inte­grate the veg­e­ta­tion, the Museum gal­leries and the eco­log­i­cal Reserve that sur­rounds the site.

French­man Jacques Van de Beuque built the most inter­nally con­sis­tent and well orga­nized col­lec­tion of folk art pro­duced in the sec­ond half of the twen­ti­eth century.

To house his col­lec­tion he built the Museu Casa do Pon­tal rec­og­nized as one of the most impor­tant of its kind in the coun­try. Spread over 1,500m2 of gal­leries the per­ma­nent col­lec­tion of the Museum has on dis­play more than 5,000 works rep­re­sent­ing the dif­fer­ent rural and urban cul­tures of Brazil.


Legep — Min­er­ação Ltda was founded in 1970. The LEGEP part­ners started by pol­ish­ing and shap­ing just a few types of stones, spe­cially amethyst and agate, which were extracted from their own mines, that were, at that time, located only in South of Brazil. As sales increased both in Brazil and abroad, LEGEP started mar­ket­ing sev­eral other vari­eties of rough stones mined in many other Brazil­ian states.

Nowa­days LEGEP main­tains a large stock of dif­fer­ent types and qual­i­ties of min­er­als, gems and carvings.



H.Stern — Founded in the mid 1940s by Ger­man immi­grant Hans Stern, H.Stern is today an inter­na­tion­ally renowned jew­elry griffe and syn­onym of qual­ity gems and design.

The H.Stern Museum and shop in Ipanema offers a min­ing his­tory, gem pol­ish­ing and jew­elry cre­ation process tour and a vari­ety of prod­ucts such as gems, jew­elry and sou­venirs for sale.